Top Challenges SOC Teams Need to Address in 2021

Top Challenges SOC Teams Need to Address in 2021-01

Data protection is one of the biggest challenges organizations face working online and safeguarding their computer networks against threats. On the flip side, hackers are looking out for innovative methods to attack networks to gain access to personal data while putting the organization in jeopardy. Here’s where a Security Operations Centre (SOC) shows up to help businesses recognize, mitigate, and report threats to prevent attacks in the near future.

The systems that the SOC teams work on are quite often not capable of providing sufficient knowledge and data to make informed decisions. This leads to a waste of time and effort that could be otherwise used to analyze and resolve threats accurately.

So, let’s take a look at a few challenges that organizations may face while setting up a SOC team and how they can leverage analytical technologies to combat these challenges.

Insufficient Knowledge

Lack of knowledge is equivalent to lack of skill. The root cause of system management failure is inadequate knowledge about protecting the system environment. This could result in failed attempts or inappropriate responses to unreal problems. If such results are obtained, it is a complete waste of time for SOC teams tracking the issue, leading to a diversion when encountering an actual attack.

Shortage of Adequate Tools

SOC teams need new security tools in order to uplift data and also to shift from a data center to a cloud environment. The dearth of proper detection and management tools is often a result of speedy developments in the systems environment being controlled. Applications require protection developed and deployed in systems. Unfortunately, the SOC has no access to such networks or steps in the environment, thereby making it the biggest challenge for them.

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Lack of Training

For the issues raised above, SOC analysts and threat seekers must be given enough downtime, so they can focus more on self-improvement. Furthermore, SOC analysts must receive high-level quality training, have adequate knowledge about the latest trends, and practice their expertise in a lab setting. Moreover, they need to have high-edge training to match the skills of their opponents.

Not Enough Authority

For the SOC to function smoothly, authority within the organization is necessary. For instance, sometimes the SOC team may not be able to respond to an incident rapidly or prevent an ongoing intrusion. This could probably happen because they lack authority over other teams in the organization, thereby preventing them from quickly isolating a compromised system. And, this makes the process more complicated in such situations resulting in additional delay.

Shortage of Employees

Companies struggle when it comes to hiring qualified and experienced employees. The rapid transformation to new operating modes, cloud-native application architectures and cloud infrastructures further worsens the issue as vacancies pile up.

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Insufficient Data about the Infrastructure

SOC teams certainly deal with inadequate information about their monitoring environment. Sometimes, customers hesitate to share all the necessary information about their infrastructure with the SOC. Failure in providing updated information to the SOC team can make their jobs even more complex and challenging.

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